Constant temperature: The temperature at which the wine is stored must be constant for a healthy aging. The ideal fixed storage temperature recommended for all wines, regardless of type, is between 15-20 ° C. The development of wines whose development accelerates or slows down due to temperature changes is delayed after a while. Thus, wines lose their balance and deteriorate.
Horizontal Storage: Wine corks stored horizontally will remain constantly wet, preventing the cork from drying out. If the cork dries, it will crack and become breathable. Wine in contact with air oxidizes and spoils.
Humidity: The ideal humidity recommended for proper storage is about 75 percent. If the air in the storage environment is dry, the cork will dry out and crack. If the cork dries, it will crack and cause the wine to spoil as oxidized as it will be air permeable. Excessive moisture also causes the fungus to rot. In addition, the renewal of the atmosphere of the environment where the wines are stored is an important issue in terms of keeping the cork healthy.
Light: Light is also one of the factors that negatively affect the development of wine. Since various light sources both heat the wine and initiate various reactions in the wine, disruptions occur in the development of the wine. Therefore, a strong light source should not be in the ideal storage environment, as the healthy development of wines exposed to sunlight and strong lighting will be negatively affected.
Vibration: Continuous vibration and shaking will disrupt the structure of the wine. For this reason, it is necessary not to leave the wine for a long time in an environment where it will be exposed to shaking.